Infrared and diseases? What's that actually like?

Infrared and diseases? How does that actually work? We explain!

''Radiation? That doesn't seem good for my body...''

Fair comment, but not in all cases. Infrared is a form of radiation that is not so strange at all, on the contrary. Infrared has a very positive and beneficial effect on body and mind, also for various forms of disorders and diseases. Curious? Then read on!

To make it clear for you:

  1. General effect of infrared therapy
  2. Rheumatism
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Arthritis
    • Bekhterev
  3. Skin conditions and complaints
    • Wrinkles
    • Wound healing
    • Cellulite
    • Acne
    • Eczema
    • Psoriasis
  4. Stress and depression

The infrared lamp

Infrared lamps are frequently used to combat muscle and joint pain, but can also provide relief for back problems or stomach ache, for example. The pleasant warmth of the infrared lamp provides rapid pain relief and improved blood circulation. Good blood circulation stimulates muscle relaxation. The wavelengths of infrared rays are converted into comfortable warmth. The radiation does not increase the temperature of the body, but warms the skin. The shorter the infrared rays, the more powerful the effect of the infrared light. Because the temperature of the skin rises, blood circulation accelerates and the heart rate increases. This means that waste products are removed more quickly. In addition to muscle and joint pain, it therefore also has many other benefits. Consider the reduction of skin diseases and conditions, such as wounds, acne and cellulite. In addition, the infrared lamp is a good treatment against stress. The product has a relaxing effect. In addition to affecting your mental condition, stress also affects physical complaints. The less stress, the fewer complaints (such as stomach ache, headache and fatigue).


Infrared has been used for years for painful joints. A logical question is of course whether infrared light also works for rheumatism. The answer to this is yes. Infrared has a beneficial effect on various forms of rheumatism. Read below how it works for different forms of rheumatism.


Muscle pain, fatigue, stiffness and various pain points are not an unknown story for someone with fibromyalgia. However, no abnormalities can be found in the muscles, connective tissue or joints. Research into the disease shows that increased muscle tension is discovered in people with fibromyalgia. The pain increases with cold and inactivity. The symptoms are not just physical. Sleep problems, concentration problems and feelings of depression are also common symptoms. Unfortunately, there is no concrete treatment for fibromyalgia. Only pain management and learning to deal with pain can bring relief. A session with infrared equipment can help with this. The radiant heat can reduce physical pain and the relaxed environment supports the reduction of mental tension.

Arthritis and Bechterew:

Dr. In 2008, H. Isomaki conducted research into the influence of infrared light on arthritis and came to the conclusion that infrared has a beneficial effect on muscle and joint pain in arthritis, which in turn ensures better mobility. The result of better mobility is the tendency for people to have a more active lifestyle and a better quality of life. As a result, one really experiences a better mental balance!

Dr. F. Oosterveld, professor at Saxion University of Applied Sciences, and rheumatologist Prof. JJ Rasker at the University of Twente have also done a lot of research in recent years into the influence of infrared on diseases, such as arthritis and Bechterew's disease. They came to the conclusion that patients with arthritis reduced stiffness and pain by about 40% after one half-hour infrared cabin session. The same researchers concluded that in ankylosing spondylitis, pain and stiffness decreased by as much as between 50% and 60% during a half-hour infrared cabin session.

Although many matters still need to be further investigated, according to Dr. Oosterveld the study has served an important purpose, namely to provide clarity to rheumatism patients about the effect of infrared heat.

Skin conditions

Infrared radiation has a positive effect on many skin conditions and complaints. Infrared stimulates healing, cleansing and production. Read below for an explanation of how it works for common conditions and complaints.


Infrared softens fine lines or wrinkles on the face. This has become apparent after research by dermatologists Yu Shun Tian, ​​Nan-Hyung Kim and Ai-Young Lee. Infrared promotes collagen and elastin production in the skin. These are two proteins that keep the skin supple and wrinkle-free.

Wound healing

Infrared promotes the production of new capillaries, which supplies the wound area with oxygen and thus stimulates the healing process. In addition, infrared therapy reduces infection. The dead or damaged cells are cleaned up. Damage to the lymphatic system can cause fluid retention to develop under the skin. Infrared stimulates the lymphatic system without overloading it. Not only the lymphatic system is stimulated, but also the production of fibroblast. Fibroblast? Yes, fibroblast is the most important cell of the connective tissue and plays an important role in the final healing phase of a wound.

The term collagen appears in the piece about wrinkles. Collagen is not only good for reducing wrinkles. Collagen is the main protein needed in the process of helping wounds heal. Infrared also provides cell energy. The heat stimulates skin cells. Cell energy is needed to bring energy to the damaged and surrounding cells so they can do what they need to do…heal themselves.


Cellulite, also called orange peel skin, almost every woman is familiar with it... Google regularly searches for all kinds of creams for this common ailment. We become insecure about what has a major influence on our daily lives. Cellulite involves gel-like pockets in the subcutaneous connective tissue. The fatty tissue pushes against the connective tissue, as it were. These sacs become loose due to the heat of infrared radiation. These are waste products that the skin wants to get rid of. Infrared therapy is a relatively cheap approach to ensure you can walk around in your swimwear or go to the sauna again!


Most often, acne is caused by hormonal changes during puberty. This causes the sebaceous glands to enlarge and produce more sebum. This excessive sebum production, in combination with dead skin cells, can cause clogged glands. Then you get a blackhead. The wall of this can burst, leading to inflammation of the skin. This inflammation is called a pimple. The skin is stretched at the site of the pimple until it bursts. This causes small wounds. If the acne is severe and lasts for a long time, you may even be left with scars.

Infrared therapy cleanses the pores due to excessive sweating due to the heat of the infrared lamp. Redness and swelling are also reduced during a session. This happens because blood circulation improves, which accelerates the healing process. The body's natural response to warmer temperatures increases the heart rate. This brings oxygen-rich blood to all veins and blood vessels. Although infrared therapy is not recommended as the sole treatment to treat acne, it is helpful to add infrared sessions to facilitate treatment.


Eczema is the collective name for various skin conditions. Eczema is an inflammation of the skin. Think of itching and red skin. Using infrared therapy causes the body to sweat, which thoroughly cleanses the pores. Regular use of infrared therapy improves the immune system and helps remove toxins that can cause skin inflammation. Infrared stimulates the healing process of the skin and reduces the 'fiery spots' and therefore the itching associated with eczema


Psoriasis cannot (yet) be cured. However, the disease can be treated better and better with the help of medicines. There are different types of therapies that can reduce the symptoms, such as infrared therapy. Infrared radiation is a harmless radiation that penetrates deep into the muscles and joints. This warms them and stimulates blood circulation. The infrared radiation removes dead skin cells and makes the skin flake less, which has a beneficial effect on psoriasis.


When we expose our skin to infrared light, serotonin is released in our body. Serotonin, also called the happiness hormone, is a substance that the body produces itself. Serotonin has a stimulating effect on our body. It affects our mood, self-confidence, sleep, orgasms, appetite and much more. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison think that the heat that stimulates the skin activates serotonin-producing cells. This entails a change in brain function.

In addition, infrared light stimulates the hypothalamus. Hypothalamus? This is the center that regulates your sleep, temperature, feeling of hunger and thirst, day and night rhythm, behavior and memory. When the hypothalamus is disrupted, balance is lost and people experience more stress. On the other hand, a prolonged feeling of stress can lead to depression. People suffering from depression have a stress-like dysregulation of the hypothalamus. It is therefore extremely important to take good care of this center!

Treatment with infrared lamps is relaxing. As we all know, relaxation is one of the remedies against stress.

NB! Do you suffer from a condition or illness? Always consult your doctor before using infrared equipment.

We hope that what you wanted to know is now a bit clearer! Do you have any questions or would you like to share your experience ? You can always ask your questions via or share your experiences via the website!

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